God has a place and space for you to live out the mission He has for you. If you are a believer you are not simply existing somewhere waiting to go to Heaven, you are sent somewhere to live out God’s mission. Your mission may be a specific location, such as your neighborhood, your workplace or school. Your life on mission may be a conversation you have with someone. Whatever the place or space, "Be a missionary" with expectation that God is going to use you. Where do you need to see and embrace God’s sending mission in your life?
Everyone (including yourself) can live a life on mission. God has designed your life to be a part of His purpose in this world. Join in on what God is doing in your neighborhood, in your county and among your sphere of influence. To learn more about how to live life on mission, see additional details below or contact the church office.
Here at Connect Church, we have a heart for missions. We work with many great local community partners and give in both service and support for their needs. See our partners listed below, read or watch more about their mission and contact the church office to see how you can ‘step in’ and serve Jesus, right in our own community!
Ruth's Pantry helps local families in need, improves their quality of life, helps sustain health, good nutrition and energy to meet their full potential. Only open since 2018, Ruth's Pantry already helps an average of 22 families a week. This can only happen through your charitable donations of food and toiletries.
Named after the gate where it's located, Church at Gate 5 is a mission offering free clothes, food, haircuts, dental service and friendly conversation to the dozens of men and women who work at the South Florida Fair.
Access-Life are all about bridging the gap between individuals and families affected by disabilities and Christ honoring churches, organizations and people through wholesome and fun events and activities!
Youth for Christ of Palm Beach's mission is to communicate the life-changing message of Jesus Christ and as a part of the Body of Christ, their vision is to see every young person, in every people group, have the opportunity to make an informed decision to become a follower of Jesus Christ.
Global missions are an opportunity for us to travel to other areas of the world in order to help support and assist other missionaries in impoverished areas. Additionally, over 2 billion people are "unreached"; living life on mission around the world allows us the opportunity to reach those who do not have access to the gospel, churches, Bibles or other Christians. Contact us to learn more about how to get connected in this special way.
The Timothy Initiative (TTI) exists to advance Christ's Kingdom by multiplying disciples and disciple-making churches around the world. TTI believes in adapting to the context and culture of the people we are seeking to reach. TTI is committed to national-centric leadership and adapting appropriate strategies in the places where we work.
The Cooperative Program is Southern Baptists’ unified plan of giving through which cooperating Southern Baptist churches give a percentage of their undesignated receipts in support of their respective state convention and the Southern Baptist Convention missions and ministries.
North American Mission Board (NAMB) exists to help connect churches to its next missional opportunity. They accomplish that through either the Send Relief or the Send Network. Send Relief is where NAMB assists churches in reaching people in need with practical help and the hope of the gospel. Send Network is NAMB's national strategy for mobilizing churches to plant churches and mobilizing church planters and other missionaries to assist with those efforts.