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- Romans 3:23
- ”For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
- Romans 6:23
- "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
- Romans 10:9-10
- ”If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. One believes with the heart, resulting in righteousness, and one confesses with the mouth, resulting in salvation.”
- Attend Church Orientation
- (Appointment with a Pastor or Point Leader)
- Baptized By Full Immersion
- Believer’s baptism is following Jesus’ example, identifying with His death, burial, and resurrection.
- Join the Church Family
- Submit the Church Covenant
- Prayer is offered in accordance with scripture by asking God to fill us with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. Prayer exalts God for who He is, thanks Him for His many blessings, and allows us to place our requests before Him. (Colossians 1:9)
- Devotional Journaling is the approach used at Connect Church. Scripture passages are supplied to the church family on the website and in the Worship Folder. Each partner studies in personal quiet time, in a Connection Group discussion, and in a Worship Service. The same passage is studied by everyone each week.
S.O.A.P. is an Daily Bible Study acrostic for:
Scripture Reading: Read the passage of the day
Observation: Write the point of the passage
Application: How does the passage apply to you
Prayer: Ask God to help you respond to the Scripture
- 2 Timothy 2:15
- "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."
- Corporate Worship Services are held weekly to honor God for who He is and what He has done for us through His Son, Jesus Christ. It is an opportunity to sing, pray, study God’s Word, fellowship, and give our offerings to Him. (Psalms 35:18)
- Connection Groups are formed to encourage life change in each believer. At Connect Church we gather together to meet people from every stage of life and to follow Jesus more intently. Each group has its own dynamic, yet all Connection Groups are encouraged to engage with, care for, and to hold one another accountable to the truth of scripture. Each group studies the Word of God using the Explore the Bible curriculum, and/or encourages progressive spiritual growth through systematic discipleship studies.
- New believers begin their spiritual journey completing the Survival Kit study with a mentor.
- Progression continues with a focus on the foundational truth of God’s Word through studies such as Master Life, Experiencing God, and The Baptist Faith & Message, 2000.
- Advancement for Spiritual growth for all maturing disciples is offered by way of multiple studies such as Biblical, Christian Growth, and Family curriculum.
- The systematic discipleship plan concludes with leadership studies. Advanced courses are recommended at this stage of spiritual growth.
- Connection Groups pray, minister, and serve together to develop meaningful relationships.
- Additional course studies are also available for all phases: Explore / Grow / Serve / Lead
- Ministry opportunities to serve within the church body are available to all Ministry Partners. Greeters, helpers, teachers, singers, instrumentalists, hosts, computer and camera operators are a sample of the many ministry prospects available. (Matthew 20:28)
- Giving opportunities exist within the church to advance the gospel of Jesus. We worship by bringing the tithe (10% of our income) and offerings (over and above the tithe) as instructed by Scripture. The Lord gives us these guidelines to help us remember.
- Psalms 24:1
- "The earth and everything in it, the world and its inhabitants, belong to the Lord;"
- Outreach and Mission Investment occurs in an assortment of ways. We share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others by using the Life On Mission demonstration.
- We serve at the South Florida Fair, with Youth for Christ, mission trips, as well as investing time and money in mission projects to contribute on mission for God.
- Matthew 28:19-20
"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."